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HeartShare Direct Support Professional Perseveres to Understand Man with Special Needs

“I’ve been committed to learning David’s language,” stated Direct Support Professional (DSP) Kendra Brown, who works closely with David, a man with special needs at HeartShare’s Hoffman Day Habilitation Program. The recent college grad learned how to become engaging and playful with David, which helped lessen his changing temperament. Kendra was able to achieve this…

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Can You Get a Job with A Sociology Degree?

By: Stan Capela, Vice President for Quality Management & Corporate Compliance Officer Over the past 37 years of my career, I have been asked this over and over again. I invite you to read an article that will be published in The American Sociologist entitled: “The Learned Path of an Applied Sociologist.” In this article,…

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HeartShare Advocates for Budget Increase to Equalize Pay for its Teachers

Currents, a nightly Catholic news program featuring local and national events and interviews, highlighted the living wage crisis that HeartShare is facing: “HeartShare was established in 1914 and we have group homes, day programs and education programs for children and adults with disabilities. Our Early Childhood Programs were established in 1982. We service children from…

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Expert HeartShare Evaluator to Share Non-Profit Best Practices at AEA Conference

Stanley Capela, HeartShare Vice President for Quality Management and Corporate Compliance Officer, will present at the prestigious American Evaluation Association (AEA) International Conference on Program Evaluation in Chicago this November 2015. The presentation will explore HeartShare’s Performance and Quality Improvement Standards or PQI plan, which was developed through the agency’s work with the Council on…

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HeartShare Human Services Achieves Two Decades of Rigorous COA Re-Accreditation

HeartShare Human Services has been reaccredited for the 20th consecutive year by the independent and international Council on Accreditation (COA) for providing outstanding and quality services for children, adults and families in need throughout the state. This accreditation reflects HeartShare’s long history of excellence and accordance with the highest levels of quality standards, as well…

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HeartShare Secures Competitive Employment for People with Disabilities

“I want to work. I want to help my family,” said Erick, who started working at MovieWorld in Queens this year. While HeartShare continues to offer its traditional Day Habilitation Programs, the emphasis for staff efforts has been on equipping people like Erick with the skills to succeed on the job. After training and moral…

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HeartShare Direct Support Professional Helps Woman with Special Needs Engage with Others

“No matter who they are or their capabilities, we can make a difference in another person’s life,” shared former HeartShare Direct Support Professional (DSP) and current Assistant Residence Manager Cory Charles, who worked closely with Soo, a woman with special needs at HeartShare’s Union Turnpike Day Habilitation Program. Sometimes, Soo had difficulty joining group activities….

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