For every step of the way, HeartShare offers the support and training to make employment a reality.
Through HeartShare’s Day Services, our program participants enjoy life skills and recreational activities, but like anyone, seek a sense of community and a sense of purpose that comes from working. Despite the sense of identity and worth most people draw from their job, nearly 80 percent of people with disabilities to date have not been afforded the equal opportunity to work. HeartShare fully believes in each person’s employment potential, which is why our Day Services program participants volunteer regularly in the community. For those who want more than volunteer opportunities, HeartShare has developed and honed a suite of programs -- Prevocational, Supported Employment, Customized Employment and Pathway to Employment -- to prepare adults with developmental disabilities for competitive jobs with our respected employment partners, such as Applebees, Burlington Coat Factory, Marshall’s, Modell’s Sporting Goods, MovieWorld, MCU Park, Queens College, Staples, Toys R Us, and York College. At HeartShare, there’s no limit to what the people in our care can access and achieve.
“Your identity, your self-worth and your independence are so closely linked to what you do. Why should anyone be denied that?”