Program open
66 Boerum Place, 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY
(877) 480-7427
Eligibility: Due to the economic impact of the pandemic, EnergyShare grants are available once per season. Applicants must be HEAP income eligible and provide proof of one good faith payment in the last twelve months along with proof of ID and income for all household members. Applicants no longer need a disconnection notice on their Con Edison accounts.
Grant Amount:
Up to $300
EnergyShare Participating Offices
EnergyShare Application
National Grid’s Care & Share Energy Fund (Serving UNY)
Program Open
66 Boerum Place, 2nd fl.
Brooklyn, NY
(855) 852-2736
Eligibility: Applicants must have an active account with National Grid, have a balance of at least $1.00 and exhaust all sources of HEAP before applying. This grant is fuel-blind and applicants with fuel accounts may apply if they have ten (10) days or less of fuel. Care & Share is available to residents of New York’s upstate counties and can be received once per heating season.
Grant Amount:
Care & Share Energy Fund Intake Office List
Care & Share Energy Fund Application
National Grid’s Hope & Warmth Energy Fund (Serving NYS)
Program open
66 Boerum Place, 2nd fl.
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 422-4207
Eligibility: Applicants must have an active National Grid account that has a balance of $1.00, and be income eligible under the moderate income guidelines for NYSERDA’s Empower + Program. Grants are available to residents of New York State who live in a 1-2 family house or apartment who pay for National Grid heating, electricity, hot water or cooking. This grant can be received once per lifetime.
Grant Amount:
$100- Hot water and cooking accounts (Res. Non-Heat)
$205- Electric non heat
$500- Regular heating account
Hope & Warmth Intake Office List
Hope & Warmth Energy Fund Application
Project SHARE Heating Fund
Program closed
66 Boerum Place, 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY
(877) 480-7427
Eligibility: Applicants must exhaust all sources of HEAP before applying, have an active account with NYSEG or RG&E and must have an energy emergency. Active military and well-discharged veterans, regardless of income, are welcome to apply. This grant is fuel blind and can be received once every 12 months.
Grant Amount:
ProjectShare Participating Offices
ProjectShare Application
National Grid’s Neighborhood Heating Fund (Serving NYC)
Program open
66 Boerum Place, 2nd fl.
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 422-4207
Eligibility: Applicants must have an active National Grid heating account, have a balance of at least $1.00 and exhaust all sources of HEAP before applying. This grant is only available to residents of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island who live in a 1-2 family house or pay for heat in their apartment. This grant can be received once per heating season.
Grant Amount:
Neighborhood Heating Fund Intake Office List
Neighborhood Heating Fund Application
National Grid’s Hearts Fighting Hunger Program (Serving NYS)
Program open
66 Boerum Place, 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY
(877) 480-7427
Eligibility: Applicants must have an active National Grid account that has a balance of $1.00, and be income eligible under the moderate income guidelines for NYSERDA’s Empower + Program. This grant is available to residents of New York State who live in a 1-2 family house or apartment with a heating account, electric only non heat account, hot water and/or cooking account, who are in need of food assistance. Approved applicants will get a grocery store gift card from a participating Hearts Fighting Hunger grocery store (Aldi, Key Food, Price Chopper, Stop & Shop or Tops Markets). Grants can be received once per heating lifetime.
Grant Amount:
Hearts Fighting Hunger Intake Office List
Hearts Fighting Hunger Application